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We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behaviour.“​

– Stephen M.R. Covey, Author

Please reflect on the above quote and consider the impact your behavior had on yourself and others. “Others” includes, but is not limited to:

  • Your residential community
  • Any individuals  impacted by your actions
  • Any individuals that witnessed your action
  • Any individuals that are member of groups with which you are associated (sorority, fraternity, athletic team, student organization)
  • Any individuals in your support group (family, friends, mentors)

Some questions you could consider (not required):

  • When you reflect on the behavior that resulted in you being found in violation of a university policy, was there a disconnect between your intent and impact? If so, what resulted from your impact being at odds with your intent?
  • Have you ever experienced a negative impact from another’s well-intended action? What did that experience feel like for you?
  • What could you have done differently so your impact aligned with your intent?
  • In the future, when making a decision, what could you do differently to ensure your impact aligns with your intent?
  • Is it possible to reconcile your impact with your original intent after the fact? If so, what are some strategies you could utilize?

Your reflection should be at least 750 words.

You can find your hearing officer's name at the bottom of the email with your hearing results.
Your hearing officer's email is located near the bottom of the email you received detailing the results of your hearing. If you have questions about where to find your hearing officer's email, please call the Dean's Office at 216.397.3010.
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