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Krista Stevens, PhD

Lecturer - Theology and Religious Studies

Krista Stevens, PhD Profile Picture



B-Wing B305

Krista Stevens, PhD Profile Picture


Dr. Stevens is the Anisfield-Wolf Postdoctoral Fellow in Diversity and Christian Social Ethics. As a theological social ethicist, she explores the ways in which theological ethics and the principles of Catholic Social Teaching can address urgent contemporary questions of justice.  In particular, her research presents radical solidarity as a response to racism, white privilege, and racial injustice. Her most recent work, “Friendships of Listening in Creating Just Societies” (Political Theology Network, 2019) looks at the importance of fostering cross-cultural and cross-racial friendships through listening in order to create more just and virtuous societies. More recent projects examine gun culture, using arguments for the common good and principles of just war theory to advocate for stricter gun control. Other areas of interest include US Catholic history, black Catholic history, Ignatian pedagogy, and Jesuit education. 

Outside of work, Dr. Stevens loves coffee, podcasts, books, sports, TV, and dogs.

Classes Taught

  • TRS 337 Globalization, Theology, and Justice
  • TRS 260 Moral Decision Making
  • TRS 461 Catholic Social Teaching
  • TRS 331 Sin, Grace, and Wholeness
  • TRS 369/569 The Catholic Church and Racial Justice


  • “Friendships of Listening in Creating Just Societies,” Political Theology Network. January 21, 2019. 
  • “Caught between Theology and History: The Integration of Spring Hill College,” American Catholic Studies. 129, no. 3 (Fall 2018): 29-54.
  • "Recovering Liturgy: African American Catholic Liturgical Revivalism,” Liturgy + Power, College Theology Society Annual Volume 62, eds. Brian P. Flanagan and Johann M. Vento (2016): 97-107.

  • “What Does Gaudium et Spes Have to Say Toward Contemporary Issues of Racism?” in Visions of Hope: Emerging Theologians and the Future of the Church, ed. Kevin J. Ahern (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Press, 2013), 167-176.

  • “The Beauty of Abu Ghraib: Art Transforming Violence,” Arts in Religious and Theological Studies 23, no. 3 (2012): 4-10, 37.







PhD, Systematic Theology and Ethics, Fordham University

MDiv, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry

BA, Theology and English, Spring Hill College