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Tamba Nlandu, PhD

Professor - Philosophy

Tamba Nlandu, PhD Profile Picture


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Tamba Nlandu, PhD Profile Picture




Ph. D. in Philosophy, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, May 1997.

Dissertation: Reality, Perceptual Experience, and Cognition: A Study in Charles S.  Peirce’s Philosophy of Mind.   

Licencié in Philosophy, University of Lubumbashi, Shaba (Katanga), DR. Congo,

            October 1980-July 1985.       

Thesis: "Le Pragmatisme de Charles Sanders Peirce comme Dépassement du Kantisme: Signification et Valeur Philosophique."   

Licencié in English Language and Literature, Linguistics, University of Lubumbashi,

Shaba (Katanga), DR. Congo, October 1978-October 1983.        

Thesis: "Comparison and Intensification (Modification) in English andFrench: A

Contrastive Study."   

Agrégé of High School Teaching, University of Lubumbashi, DR. Congo, October 1978-

July 1983.


American Philosophy, Philosophy of Sport, Philosophy of mind (epistemology, cognitive science), and English linguistics.


African Philosophy, history of philosophy, philosophy of culture, social and political philosophy, formal and informal logic, business ethics, metaphysics, evolutionary psychology, empiricism, continental philosophy, philosophy of perception.


Fall 2016-Spring 2019: Chair of the Department.

At John Carroll since Fall 2000.

COURSES TAUGHT: American Philosophy (PL 260 - PLKR); African Philosophy (PL 285 - PLKR), Ethics in Sport (PL 312 - PLVS), Business Ethics (PL 311 - PLVS), Contemporary Ethical Problems (PL 310 - PLVS).


-Article, “On the Concept of Fair Competition Prevalent in Today’s European Soccer Leagues.”  Sport, Ethics and Philosophy: Official Journal of the British Philosophy of Sport Association (published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group), Vol. 12, No. 2, May 2018, 162-176. 

-Article, “On Some Philosophical Foundations of the Disappointing Performances of the African Soccer Teams in World Competitions.” Sport, Ethics and Philosophy: Official Journal of the British Philosophy of Sport Association (published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group), Vol. 11, No. 2, May 2017, 192-206.

- Article, “The Fallacies of the Assumptions behind the Arguments for Goal-line Technology in Soccer,” Sport, Ethics, and Philosophy: Official Journal of the British Philosophy of Sport Association, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2012, 451-66.

-Article, “One Play Cannot Be Known to Win or Lose a Game: A Fallibilist Account of Game” [2], Sport, Ethics and Philosophy: Official Journal of the British Philosophy of Sport Association (published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group), Vol. 5, Number 1, February 2011, 21-33.

-Article, “Play Until the Whistle Blows: Sportsmanship as the Outcome of Thirdness.” Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 35 (2008): 73-89. 

-Article, “On Habit and Consciousness: A Peircean Critique of William James’s

Conception of Habit,” Streams of William James, Vol. 6, Issue 3, Fall 2004, 25-29.

-Article, “Charles S. Peirce on the Foundations of Philosophy and Culture,” International Studies in Philosophy 34:1, 2002, pp. 143-173.

-Article, "The Fallacy of Universalism: The Nature and Status of African

Philosophy Revisited," International Studies in Philosophy 33:1, 2001,



 -January 4-17, 2011: Faculty Leader for a faculty-led student immersion trip to Rwanda in collaboration with Dr. Jennifer Ziemke, Department of Political Science, and the Center for Community Service and Social Action.

-Served as Faculty Leader for the JCU Immersion Trip to New Orleans, Louisiana, February 28-March 7, 2009.

-Served as Faculty Leader for the JCU Immersion Trip to Nicaragua, Central America, January 4-12, 2008.