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Dear Students,

In this unprecedented and difficult time for everyone, we appreciate your understanding and patience as we worked through the process of refunding portions of your originally billed expenses. Our immediate focus in the last three weeks has been the health and safety of our JCU community.   

Students who have a spring housing assignment will receive a prorated credit for spring room and board (where applicable) based on dates of limitations in access to residential spaces (March 15, 2020 for the majority of students; March 20, 2020 for the students who remained on campus for the first exception period; for those students who left or who leave at a future date after March 20, 2020, prorated credits will be evaluated on an individual basis).  

Full time / Undergraduate students who purchased a full year or spring parking permit will receive a $70 credit to their student account. Part time / Graduate students who purchased a full year or Spring evening parking permit will receive a $35 credit to their student account. 

Non-residential students who purchased a Commuter Meal Plan (Block 48 or Block 30) or a traditional meal plan during the Spring semester will receive a prorated credit to their student account. The prorated amount accounts for both meal swipes and dining dollars.

For those recipients of financial aid designated to cover all or partial room and board expenses, that aid will be prorated to reflect the credit being issued. Any remaining refund will then be credited to the student account. In some cases, this credit will reduce or eliminate your current balance. For students enrolled in our payment plan, the adjustment will be made accordingly. 

Our goal is to process refunds on April 1.  

If you will be receiving a refund after the credit has been applied to your account, we strongly recommend that you set up a direct deposit account with the University, as  the most effective and fastest way to receive these funds is to set up a direct deposit. Instructions on that process can be found here. Those accounts without an assigned direct deposit account on file will be issued a check mailed to the permanent address of record. The processing of a paper check will delay the receipt of your funds.

At the request of some John Carroll parents, families may donate a portion or all of their refund as a gift to help the University assist with the urgent needs of educating our students during this unprecedented and difficult time. All gifts, regardless of size, will help us continue to support remote learning. Families would receive a tax deductible gift receipt from John Carroll University. If you would like to make a gift, please contact Nicole Neely, Director of Annual Giving, at

If you have specific questions related to your prorated credit, please email and someone from our Student Enrollment and Financial Services office will reply to you.

Please join me as we continue to pray for all those who are affected by COVID-19.


Michael D. Johnson, Ph.D. President, John Carroll University