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The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair, Chair-elect, Immediate Past Chair and Vice Chairs of all Staff Council Standing Committees. It is responsible for consideration of any proposals to the Staff Council and may make recommendations to the Staff Council for review or to be voted/acted upon. The Executive Committee has the ability to establish any ad hoc committees it deems necessary.

Duties of the Executive Officers (for full descriptions please view the Staff Council Constitution).

Chair – The chair shall preside over and schedule all meetings of the Staff Council. He/she serves as the point of contact for all matters brought in front of the Executive Committee for review, including but not limited to policy and constitutional changes. Further the chair ensures fiduciary responsibility of Staff Council and represents the Staff Council on the University Leadership Council (ULC). The current Chair is Adam Nichols.

Chair-Elect – The chair-elect is responsible for creating a budget for the Staff Council as well as conducting a year-end audit of finances. He/she will assist with the elections process and serve on the Membership, Finance and Governance Committee. In the absence of the chair, the chair-elect will represent the Staff Council at the ULC and lead all meetings of the Staff Council. The current Chair-Elect is Brian Hurd.

Immediate Past-Chair – The immediate past-chair is an ex-officio member of the executive committee. He/she will assist the chair as needed and will ensure the smooth transition of officers. The immediate past-chair will verify the year-end audit and election results. The Immediate Past Chair (Ex-Officio) is Brendan Dolan.

Vice Chair of Communication – The vice chair of communication & assessment is responsible for developing, integrating and implementing a broad range of public relations activities, including but not limited to social media, print media, e-mail and the Staff Council website. He/she will take minutes at the Staff Council and Executive Committee meetings and collect year-end reports from all vice chairs. The vice chair of communication & assessment will also ensure that Staff Council records are properly collected and archived. The current Vice Chair of Communication & Assessment position is Marissa Mozden.

Vice Chair of Recognition – The vice chair of recognition is responsible for developing and implementing new programs and initiatives that recognize the contributions of staff that support the Mission of John Carroll University. He/she will also work closely with Human Resources to recognize staff through already existing recognition opportunities. The current Vice Chair of Recognition is Tainne Dallas.

Vice Chair of Community Building & Networking – The vice chair of community building & networking will create new or utilize existing programs to develop community within the John Carroll University staff. The current Vice Chair of Community Building & Networking is Toni Halter.

Vice Chair of Mission & Advocacy – The vice chair of mission & advocacy is responsible for the development and oversight of a new staff welcoming and orientation process. This process is in addition to any on-boarding programs executed by Human Resources. He/she will organize and inform staff of service and spiritual opportunities. The vice chair will also seek solutions for areas of inequity that exist for staff and liaison with Human Resources in matters pertaining to staff. The current Vice Chair of Mission & Advocacy is Melissa Wenzler.

Vice Chair of Membership, Governance and Finance – The vice chair of membership, governance and finance is responsible for the election process for the staff council as well as the orientation of new staff council members and officers. He/she will oversee the Staff Council budget and approve any expenditures. The vice chair is also expected to conduct an annual review of the Staff Council Constitution and ensure that all meetings of the Staff Council are run according to Robert’s Rules of Order. The current Vice Chair of Membership, Governance and Finance is Shannon Volpi.


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