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The Integrative Core Curriculum highlights four areas of foundational competencies: written expression, oral expression, quantitative analysis and technological/informational literacy.

In most cases, students will be introduced to these competencies during their first year at John Carroll. The skills learned in these courses are re-iterated throughout the entire curriculum, and students receive additional training in writing and oral communication, specifically, in their majors. Technological and information literacy is embedded in the writing, speech, and quantitative analysis courses. All courses in the foundational competencies include discussion of ethical argument and ethical use of data.

Written Expression in the Integrative Core

In foundational writing courses, students gain knowledge of the expectations of academic writing, including the discovery and revision components of the writing process, and other principles of coherent and persuasive writing. These courses focus on the development of fundamental writing skills not tied to any particular discipline.

Requirement: Depending on placement, students take either one or two courses in foundational writing, EN 1250 (Seminar on Academic Writing) or EN 12000 and EN 1210 (Developmental Writing I and II). The level of placement is determined on the basis of individual needs as indicated by test scores submitted at the time of admission and by high school GPA.

Students must earn at least a C- in their foundational writing course (either EN 1250 or EN 1210, which concludes the development writing sequence) in order to fulfill the Core requirement for written expression. Students who earn a grade below C- in these courses will be required to re-take the course.

Students in the Honors program can fulfill their Core written expression requirement by successfully completing (with a C- or above) HP 1010, the Honors Colloquium.

Competence in written expression is further developed through writing required in all integrated courses and in one writing-intensive course in the major.

Oral Expression in the Integrative Core

Students are expected to become competent in the effective oral presentation of ideas in informative, argumentative, and persuasive situations and to use appropriate technology. Based on communication theory, competence in oral expression includes the study of audience analysis and adaptation, critical listening, and research. This competency is introduced in a foundational course in oral expression that focuses on general speaking skills not tied to any particular discipline.

Requirement: Students take CO 1251, Speech Communication to fulfill their foundational oral expression requirement.

Students further develop competence in oral expression in a presentation component incorporated in their major course work.

Quantitative Analysis (QA) in the Integrative Core

Students are expected to demonstrate competence in quantitative analysis, that is, the ability to apply mathematical and logical tools to solve real-world problems. A course in quantitative analysis asks students to interpret and reason with numeric data within a particular, authentic context. Such a course demands more than routine calculation; rather, students in a quantitative analysis course develop sufficient analytical skills to find and pose precise questions that can be appropriately analyzed by quantitative methods, draw inferences from data, represent data, think critically about quantitative statements, and recognize sources of error. Because quantitative analysis is closely tied to a context, QA courses are offered in several academic departments.

Requirements: Students take one foundational QA course to fulfill their Core requirement.