Revised JCU Final Examination Regulations for Faculty – 3.25.19
I. Conduct of Final Examinations
As a rule, every course should include a final examination or another form of summary evaluation that enables students to demonstrate their learning for the semester. The final evaluation could be an in-class or take-home examination or a major paper, project, or presentation.
In cases where the final evaluation is not an examination (ex., a paper or presentation), a final class meeting still must be held during the period scheduled for the examination. The period counts toward the fulfillment of contact-hour requirements for the semester as determined by the Ohio Department of Higher Education. Regardless of the nature of the final evaluation, all classes meet during Finals Week according to the University’s exam schedule.
Final examinations must be held according to the Final Exam Schedule posted on the Office of the Registrar’s webpage. During the last week of class, major examinations are prohibited unless the syllabus distributed at the beginning of the semester clearly indicates they will be given at that time. Any examinations given during the last week of class may not take the place of final examinations.
An instructor who seeks an exemption from giving a final examination/evaluation must request permission in writing from the chair of the department. The chair can deny, modify, or accept the request. A chair who approves an exemption must forward it to the appropriate dean for further approval. The approval process should be completed prior to the beginning of the semester.
Major papers or projects should not be due later than the thirteenth week of class. No paper should be due during the week of final examinations, unless the paper is the final evaluation for the course. Instructors who assign a paper as the final evaluation still must hold a final class meeting during the period scheduled for the examination for contact-hour compliance.
Instructors must spell out course requirements in the syllabus, including the nature of the final examination and its weight in the final grade for the course.
All in-class final examinations must be adequately proctored. Normally, the regularly assigned instructor will act as proctor. In no instance is a student to act as proctor.
Instructors are expected to be available for student consultation throughout the period of final examinations. Any request for early departure by an instructor from the campus during the final examination period should be cleared in writing with the department chair and the appropriate dean.
If instructors plan on leaving the Cleveland area anytime during the two weeks immediately following the final examination period, they should leave contact information with their department chair and the appropriate dean.
II. Retention and Explanation of Examination Papers
In accord with the policy for the appeal of a final grade as found in the Undergraduate Bulletin, instructors should retain all final examinations through the sixth week of the subsequent (spring or fall) semester. Upon request of a student during this time period, instructors shall show, and explain the grading of, the student’s examination paper.
Students are advised to consult the University’s Final Examination Schedule as part of the academic planning and registration process to understand their academic responsibilities regarding Finals and to adjust their schedules as necessary. The schedule is posted on the Office of the Registrar’s webpage: http://sites.jcu.edu/registrar/pages/f-a-q/course-schedule-information/
Final examinations are held according to the University’s Final Examination Schedule. Students shall adhere to the posted exam schedule, as well as the provisions for taking the examination as explained by their instructor.
During the last week of class, major examinations are prohibited unless the syllabus distributed at the beginning of the semester clearly indicates they will be given at that time. Any examinations given during the last week of class may not take the place of final examinations.
In cases where the final evaluation for the course is not an examination (for example, a paper or presentation), a final class meeting still must be held during the period scheduled for the examination. In other words, all classes meet during Finals Week, according to the University’s exam schedule.
A student may be allowed to make up a missed final examination only under extraordinary circumstances. Reasons such as misreading the examination schedule, having three examinations on the same day, and oversleeping do not normally qualify. Students should consult the Undergraduate Bulletin’s Policy and Procedure for Making up Final Examinations for guidelines.