Dear Students,
Student Accessibility Services (SAS) appreciates the flexibility you've shown in adapting to changes in our office while navigating the larger challenges of the recent campus transitions. This semester, please remember to renew your letter of accommodation (LOA) by filling out this form if you have not already completed this with SAS. When you've received your updated LOA from SAS, please email it to your instructors as soon as possible and discuss your accommodations with them. It is important to keep in mind, accommodations are not active until you have given your LOA to your professors and accommodations are not retroactive.
If you would like assistance with academic coaching, including study stills, time management and organization our Graduate Assistants, Ella McNamara and Stephanie Newrones are available to schedule in person and zoom check-in meetings. Also, our new Administrative Assistant, Elizabeth Cross is here to provide office assistance and answer any questions. Accessibility Specialist Elise Williams in her new role, is here to provide additional support with accommodations. To schedule an appointment with any staff member or to ask questions email sas@jcu.edu, call (216) 397-4967 or stop by Dolan-109E.

Testing- Please see the Test Accommodations in STC & SAS tab for more information. Please note, for students who receive the accommodations of extra-test time or a distraction reduced environment you should try to make arrangements with your instructors to receive these accommodations in the classroom or academic department. If after talking with your instructor, the accommodations cannot be met in the classroom or department, then you may schedule to take your exam at the Satellite Testing Center (STC). The STC has limited hours. Please schedule 3 business (Monday-Friday) days in advance by emailing the STC test proctor testproctor@jcu.edu.
If your LOA specifies the use of assistive technology (text to speech or speech to text software) and/or specialized equipment for testing accommodations, you may schedule to take your exams at SAS and should do so 3 business (Monday-Friday) days in advance. To do so please email sas@jcu.edu, call (216) 397-4967 or stop by Dolan-109E.
We will keep you updated on any other future changes.
Have a great semester!
Allison West Kaskey, Director
Student Accessibility Services
Satellite Testing Center (STC) and Student Accessibility Services (SAS) Testing Center:
Which One Do I Take My Test In?
Are you using specialized software (i.e. text-to-speech, speech-to-text, word processor) or equipment (i.e. health monitoring system, use of a computer) accommodation/s during your test?
- Yes: You will take your test in the SAS Testing Center
- No: You will take your test in the Satellite Testing Center (STC). All other testing accommodations (i.e. extended test time, reduced distraction environment, etc.) are to be scheduled at the Satellite Testing Center. (Please see below for details).
- Regardless of your testing location in STC or SAS, you will schedule your test using this testproctor@jcu.edu (Test Proctor) email
Schedule your Test:
To schedule your test at the Satellite Testing Center or Student Accessibility Services:
Schedule 3 Business (Monday-Friday) days in advance by emailing testproctor@jcu.edu. Include the following information: class name, instructor name, day and time taking test, and length of test. *Please Note: Times in the STC are limited, please see below.
Complete the student section of the Exam Administration Form (Click Here for Fillable PDF/ Click Here for Word) and submit to your instructor a week prior to the test.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact SAS at sas@jcu.edu
Satellite Testing Center:
The goal of the Satellite Testing Center (STC) is to support John Carroll University in carrying out testing accommodations for registered SAS students.
Your instructors should first try to meet your accommodations in the classroom or the academic department. If after talking with your instructor the accommodations cannot be met in the classroom or department by your instructor, then you may schedule to take their exam at the Satellite Testing Center.
SAS Testing Center- For students with specialized software and/ or equipment
SAS will continue to proctor students who use specialized software (speech to text, text to speech, etc) and/or equipment (use of computer as an accommodation as noted on your letter of accommodation). Students should schedule 3 Business (Monday-Friday) days in advance with SAS and faculty may email the exam and administration form to sas@jcu.edu. The SAS Testing Center is available Monday-Friday 8:30am-5pm.
Housing Accommodations:
Priority Availability Deadline: Monday January 20, 2025
*All Accommodations are fulfilled based on availability. Applications received after the priority deadline will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and we cannot assure your request will be fulfilled. Please note, space is limited. Requests submitted after the priority date are based on availability and may require a waitlist.*
All requests for housing accommodations for students with disabilities will be reviewed by the Housing Accommodation Committee. Students must provide documentation that indicates a diagnosed impairment that is a current substantial limitation to a major life activity as it relates to housing. The Office of Residence Life will determine an appropriate housing assignment based on accommodation approval and availability in housing vacancies. Student Accessibility Services reserves the right to request additional documentation if necessary in order to provide appropriate services. Please complete the necessary part(s) of the application (linked above).
Upon completion, please submit to:
Student Accessibility Services John Carroll University 1 John Carroll Boulevard University Heights, Ohio 44118 Phone: (216) 397-4967 Fax: (216) 397-1820 Email: sas@jcu.edu
This request form must be submitted each year according to housing deadlines in order to review and renew (as appropriate) accommodations provided through Residence Life.
If you have already received housing accommodations and will be renewing your same request for the next school year (Fall 2025-Spring 2026) you should complete only part 1 of the attached application below.
- Application: Click Here for PDF / Click Here for Word Document
Any housing accommodations previously approved for this school year (Fall 2024- Spring 2025) will remain approved for the Spring 2025 semester upon returning to campus.
New Request:
If you are submitting a new request for the next school year (Fall 2025-Spring 2026), complete the online application (link below) and submit the Housing Accommodation Documentation Packet. Your licensed treatment provider (doctor, therapist, psychiatrist, CNP, etc.) will complete the Housing Accommodation Documentation Packet. Please provide current and comprehensive documentation of the disorder from a current treatment/assessment professional that is qualified to make the diagnosis. The licensed provider should specifically address the accommodation you are requesting and provide support related to the diagnosis/es listed.
- Step 1: Online Application: Click Here
- Step 2: Submit the Housing Accommodation Documentation Packet (completed by your licensed provider)- found on the second page of online application, also sent via email once online application is submitted.
Incoming JCU Freshmen:
Applications should be submitted to Student Accessibility Services (SAS) by Tuesday May 27, 2025 for priority availability.
Students should complete part 1 of the application and the student’s licensed treatment provider (doctor, psychologist, therapist, etc.) must complete part 2.
To submit your housing accommodation request for the 2025-2026 school year follow the instructions below:
1.) Complete the attached housing accommodation application and submit the form to Student Accessibility Services by scanning/emailing to sas@jcu.edu.
2.) After you have completed and submitted your housing accommodation form to SAS, your request will be reviewed. Please note, placements are assigned by Residence Life and are dependent on need and inventory, not based on preference. For any specific housing related questions please contact Residence Life.
*All Accommodations are fulfilled based on availability. Applications received after the deadline will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and we cannot assure your request will be fulfilled. Please note, space is limited. Requests submitted after the priority date are based on availability and may require a waitlist.*
Meal Plan Accommodation:
Application: Click Here for PDF / Click Here for Word Document
John Carroll’s Dining Services offers a wide variety of dining options capable of accommodating many different dietary needs. The goal of this process is to provide students with the tools they need to be active in the management of their allergy or food-related medical condition within the dining program. After this request form has been reviewed by Student Accessibility Services, the student may be asked to meet with dining services to discuss dining options. John Carroll University is committed to the full participation of students with disabilities in all aspects of university life, including the dining experience. As a residential university, John Carroll University requires that all students living on campus participate in the meal plan available through dining services. Virtually all students’ needs can be met through the standard meal plan options. However, students with conditions whose needs cannot be met through this process may request meal plan accommodations. The application (linked above) must be completed and submitted to the office of Student Accessibility Services to request meal plan accommodations.
Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Accommodation:
Application: Please reach out to SAS@jcu.edu
John Carroll University provides reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities who have a verifiable need for a reasonable accommodation. A reasonable accommodation is an exception to the usual rules, policies, practices, or services that a resident with a disability may need to have an equal opportunity to use and enjoy university housing. The Reasonable Accommodation Verification Form for Emotional Support Animals (application linked above) authorizes an appropriately qualified health professional who has evaluated the student resident, to provide the information requested on this form.
Assistive Technology Resources
Please be aware that you may need to update your computer software/ applications in order for programs to work at their optimal level.
Text-to-Speech & Screen Readers:
- Mac Users: VoiceOver
- How-to-use Video Guide: Click Here for Video
- How-to-use Text Guide:
- PC (Windows) Users: NVDA (needs Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 version or newer).
- How-to-use Video Guide: Click Here for Video
- Please view: Installing NVDA, Basics Part 1, Using the Internet Part 1, Hot Keys, and Commands Parts 1 & 2
- Chromebook Users: ChromeVox (needs Chrome 14 version or newer).
- How-to-use Video Guide: Click Here for Video
- How-to-use Text Guide: Click Here for Text 1
- NaturalReader (Text-to-Speech): is located online OR can be downloaded and used on your personal device. NaturalReader is a free text-to-speech online source that works well with drag & drop files, or copy & paste text. If downloaded, the application allows you to download large PDF files (i.e. PDF textbooks, PDF books, etc).
- NaturalReader Link: Click Here for Website
- How-to-use Video Guide: Click Here for Video
- Quick Online Reader: Click Here for Quick Online Reader
Speech-to-Text (Transcription):
- Google Account: Google Word Document can live transcribe video and in-person audio (via computer microphone) to text
- How-to-use Video Guide: Click Here for Video
- MicroSoft OneNote:
- Audio Recording: Click Here for Video
- Speech-to-text (Transcription) How-to-Guide: Click Here for Video
- General How-to-Guide for Microsoft OneNote: Click Here for Video
- SpeechNotes: Click the Microphone button to start the speech-to-text (transcription).
- Google Recorder (phone app):
- General and Transcription How-to-Guide: Click Here for Video
- Google Live Transcribe (phone app):
- Apple Live Transcribe (phone app): For iPhone and iPad users
Text Magnifiers
- Mac Users: use the Zoom located in “System Preferences,” under “Accessibility.” Zoom will increase font size, but will not work as a screen reader.
- How-to-use Text Guide:
- Windows Users: Windows Magnifier will work to increase font size, but will not necessarily work as a screen reader (needs Windows 10, Windows 8.1 or Windows 7).
- How-to-use Text Guide: Click Here for Text
- How-to-use Text Guide: Click Here for Text (Word Document)
Bookshare (E-Text Accommodation):
The cost of membership is covered by SAS services for students with an E-Text accommodation. Bookshare believes that people with print disabilities should have the same ease of access to books and periodicals that people without disabilities enjoy. The Bookshare.org library provides legal access to over 988,00 titles which include books, textbooks, and more. The reading can be customized in audio, audio + highlighted text, braille, large font, and others! Information source: bookshare.org
Online Video Tutorial: Click Here
Website tour of Bookshare: Click Here
A Note from CSDI Wayfinders Program Coordinator:

Updated Spring 2023
Hello everyone,
Another opportunity to work a PAID micro-internship and gain valuable professional experience!
Similar to handshake, we have a website found here: https://info.
Please create an account on the website and fill out as much information. It is very important that you mark JCU under education to view/apply to our internships. You can also connect to your Linkedin, or you can share your resume on Parker Dewey. You will see the projects already posted! If you apply for any position, send me an email so I can follow up.
Please contact Daniella if you have any questions.
SAS Career Workshop:
SAS teamed up with JCU Career Services and JCU Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion (CSDI) to talk about Career, the Wayfinders Program and JCU Micro-Internships. The links and resources to these topics can be found below.
SAS Career Workshop-Career Services Powerpoint:
SAS Career Workshop Additional Information and Resources (Career Services & CSDI):
SAS Career Workshop- Career Services Video Presentation:
SAS Career Workshop Video Q & A Panel:
Additional SAS Career Powerpoint: